EAE Business School (BCN, business school founded in 1958)       Dec. 2013-present
Adjunct Professor

Krull Corporation                                                               April 2013-November 2013
Edited and researched six chapters of Prof. Alexander Mirtchev's book on TheAlternative Energy Megatrend, on how
renewable energies and non-conventional fossil fuels are impacting geopolitics.

Edited and researched extended briefs by Prof. Mirtchev on the impact of renewable energies and other technologies on several countrrie's armed forces.

Pompeu Fabra University, Internacional Trade School,BCN   March 2011-Sept. 2013
Adjunct Professor
Researched, developed the teaching plan, taught and graded courses in English at the Masters and undergraduate level to large groups (150 students) of Spanish and internacional
students on European Integration, Culture & Busines in Europe and Internaional Risk Analysis.

Created the Culture & Busines in Europe course describing and itemizing five distinct business models in Europe (Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Mediterranean, Scandinavian and eastern European).

Generalitat de Catalunya (Catalan Government), BCN               April 2012-Dec. 2012
Advisor to the Catalan Secretary of Foreign Affairs
Drafted a report on the possible creation of a Western Mediterranean macro-region (a type pf enhanced cooperation envisioned by the EU) including Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Malta, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Mauritania.
Focused on trade, investiment and migration flows between aforementtioned countries.

President's Office, Inter-American Development Bank             March 2011-June 2011
Researched, edited and drafted speeches, talking points, forewords, articles, and a part of a book for the President in English and Spanish.

Translated some of the aformentioned content from English to Spanish and vice-versa.

President's Office, World Bank Group                             November 2009-March 2011
Assistant to the President/Speechwriter
Researched, drafted and edited speeches, talking points, academic and non-academic articles, forewords, messages by the President for Bank Group pubications, internal messages to staff and videotaped messages.

Liaised with World Bank Gorup vice-presidencies and departments to generate content.

Liaised with inside (WBG) and outside actors to organize President's trips in the U.S., events in Washingtong and the WBG, and delivery of speeches and talking ponits.

Pompeu Fabra University, Internacional Trade School,BCN      Sept. 1997-Nov. 2009
Adjunct Professor
Researched, developed the teaching plan, taught and graded courses in English at the undergraduate level to large groups (80 students) of Spanish and internacional
students on European Integration and Internacional Economic Institutions.

Pubized the work of the university, drafted articles for its newsmagazine, delivered conferences and developed synergies with other institutions.

Internacional Periféricos y Memorias, BCN             September 2009-November 2009
Corporate Secretary
Advised President on investment strategies and corporate partnerships and R&D

Generated content for website.

Publicized IPM's work trough the media.

Barcelona-Catalonia Logistics Center (BCL)                         January 2009-June 2009
Director of International Relations
BCL is a public institution which promotes Barcelona and Catalonia's role as a logistics hub for the Mediterranean and Europe.

Expanded BCL's network, drafted op-eds for senior management, articles for newsletter and content for website.

American Chamber of Commerce in Spain                 September 2006-October 2008
Head of Studies

Researched, drafted and marketed publications and policy papers on the climate for foreign
investment into Spain and Spanish companies' increasing investments in the US.

Developed and co-managed the 1st EU-US Business Rountable on Energy & Technology (June 25-26th, 2007, Madrid) with 40 international speakers: senior executives of leading energy and technology companies (Schneider Electric, Iberdrola, GE, Red Eléctrica), officials from international institutions (IEA, UNEP) and US, Spanish and
European government officials.

Developed, co-managed and obtained €55,000 in funding for the 2nd EU-US Business Roundtable on Energy & Technology (September 29-30th, 2008, Madrid), with 50 speakers, including senior U.S. and Spanish government officials, CEOs and leading execitives of U.S. and European energy and technology companies (Iberdrola, Enagás, Schneider Electric, 3TIER, Ibersolar, Red Eléctrica, and energy associations (American Council on Renewable Energy, European Photovoltaic Industry Association.

CIDOB Foundation, BCN                                                 September 2003 - June 2006
Head, Europe Program
CIDOB is one of the top two think-tanks in Spain

ICo-organized high-level conferences attended by senior officials, academics and practitioners on political, economic and security topics related to the EU, its member states, non-EU European countries and transatlantic topics.

Organized the Meeting of 13 Charlemagne Laureates (May 2004), attended by 1.000 persons.

Drafted academic articles and publicized the work of the Foundation trough the media.

Bankpyme(Spanish Bank),Barcelona                                     March 1999 - June 2000 Consultant to the President
Researched and provided data on the Polish economy and banking system for a project to enter the Polish market.

Generalitat de Catalunya (Catalan Government)             January 2000-January 2012
External Speechwriter and Consultant to the Minister of Economics.
Reserched and drafted articles and speeches on internacional, national (Spain) and regional (Catalonia) economic and political topics

Drafted the foreword to the Spanish-language version of Al Gore's book:"The world according to Al Gore".

European Bank for Reconstruction & Dev. (EBRD),London     March 1998-March 1999 Speechwriter for the President and Senior Management
Researched and drafted speeches, articles and forewords for the President and senior management.

Assisted in the preparation of press releases, press conferences and internal comunications messages.

Catalunya Radio(Catalan Public Radio, Tübingen, Germany)    Sep. 1994-Sep. 1995
Central Europe and Germany correspondent.


Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Barcelona               January 2009- Nov.2009
Adjunct Professor.

Taught course in English on International Economics

ESADE Business School, Barcelona                                     Sep. 2008- January 2009
Associate Professor.

Taught course on Geopolitics.

Rovira i Virgili University                                                              Feb.2005-Sep. 2005
Associate Professor.

Taught course on European Economy.


Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs Madrid, Spain                   May 2009-August 2009

For a study that provided policy proposals for the transatlantic track of Spain's EU presidency in 2010.

CIDOB Foundation-Spain Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Barcelona-Madrid-Equatorial Guinea                                                                                                   5/1999-9/1999
Conducted a feasibility study on the establishment of an International Trade School in Equatorial Guinea.


Cinco Días                                                                                 August 2011-present
Regular contributor to Cinco Días, Spain's second (and oldest) financial newspaper. Published 32 half or full-page op-eds on Spanish, European and international economic and financial topics.

Expansión                                                                                  Sep. 2006- Sep. 2009 Spain's leading financial newspaper. Published one op-ed every two weeks.                                                                                    

Since 1993, I have published more than 250 articles on European, transatlantic, internacional and Spanish political, economic, financial and business topics for the main Spanish generalist and economic newspapers and newsmagazines (Expansión, Cinco Días, La Vanguardia, El País, El Periodico, Ara, El Temps, El Punt).

Frequent guest on Spanish radio (Radio Nacional de España, COM Radio, Catalunya Ràdio, RAC1, Radio Intereconomía, Cadena SER) and TV stations (TVE, TV3, 8TV, Intereconomía TV, Canal Català) providing analysis on the European Integration, European, U.S., Spanish economic topics and transatlantic relations.


Ethical Capitalism: What it can do for you. Barcelona, Editorial Aresta, 2011.

Conversaciones con Marx: Diálogos en torno a un liberalismo ético. Barcelona, Editorial Aresta, 2010

The End of the Cold War: German reunification. Pamplona, Editorial Aranzadi, 2007

¿USA, Quo Vadis ? Barcelona, Editorial Granica, 2003

De la Perestroika a la CEI (From Perestroika to the CIS). Barcelona, Editorial Marré, 1992

Have published academic articles on the international economy, EU integration and enlargement, Russia's transition and German unification


PhD in Contemporary History. University of Barcelona                               June 2004
Dissertation: "The international diplomacy of German reunification in 1989-90", an analysis of the roles played by the United States, the Federal Republic of Germany, the German Democratic Republic, the United Kingdom, France and the USSR in the negotiations on the external and security aspects of German reunification.

Interviewed the following officials in person for the PhD:

United States: former Secretary of State James Baker; former National Security Advisor Brent Scowcroft; James Dobbins, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs; Dennis Ross, former Director of the State Departament's Policy Planning Staff: George Ward, Deputy Chief of Mission, U.S. Embassy in the Federal Republic of Germany; Robert Zoellick, Special Conselor and Undersecretary of State for Economic and Agricultural Affairs.

Federal Republic of Germany: Hans-Dietrich Genscher, former Vice-Chancellor and Foreign Minister; Horst Teltschik, former National Security Advisor to Chancellor Helmut Kohl; Lothar de Maizière, former prime minister ot the German Democratic Republic (first and last to be democratically elected in the history of the GDR); Markus Merkel, former Foreign Minister of the GDR; Hans Modrow, former prime minister of the GDR.

Bachelor in Arts, (Licenciado, five-year degree) in History and Geography, University of Barcelona, June 1996

One Year scholarship, University of Tübingen, Germany. All courses taught in German.


Fully bilingual in Spanish-English. Passed Proficiency exam with grade A.
Very fluent in German, passed Zentraloberstufenprüfung with Sehr gut, and in French.
Conversant in Russian and Polish.